Israel Made Türkiye a Superpower
The admission, reportedly, comes from a Jewish media stating: "We never realized what we were doing." The reference involves Kurds. Apparently, they were armed to revolt against Turks.
There is a new reality in the Middle East. Reportedly, according to Jewish media, it comes down to how “Israel made Türkiye a superpower.”
It is a damning revelation like a “paradox in hell”. On one hand, the source is Jewish. On the other hand, it sounds like a repentance and an accusation.
If you were to type “Israel does not negotiate with terrorists” into Globalist search engines like Google, the following entry comes up first: “Israel generally does not negotiate with terrorists. Counterexamples include: The 1993 Oslo Accords were secretly negotiated with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), even as the PLO continued to deny Israel's right to exist.”
Israel Made Türkiye a Superpower
Zionists Targeted Ottoman Turks Since 1838
Kurds revolted against Turks more than 30 times. The earliest one dates back to 1838. Ever since, Turks, beginning with the Ottman Turks have been in their crosshair.
Why did the Kurds begin revolting against the Ottoman Turks? Did the Kurdish intelligentsia organically evolve? Was there a “foreign” manipulation behind it?
Revealing Literature Widely Available
Here is a list of literature from a “prominent” US institution! Curiously, they all began publishing very “convenient” anti-Ottoman narratives in 1838.
Could it be a coincidence that Kurds would also begin revolting simultaneously? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. No?
Call Number: Main (Gardner) Stacks DS59.D78 M57 2006
Jewish communities in Arab countries, 1841-1974
Call Number: Main (Gardner) Stacks DS135.A68 M56 2005
Muslim minorities in Arab countries, 1843-1973
Call Number: Main (Gardner) Stacks DS36.9.A1 M565 2006
Religious communities in Jerusalem 1843-1974 and minorities in Israel
Call Number: Main (Gardner) Stacks DS113.7 .M57 2005
The Jewish Nationalism & The Ottoman Empire
Jewish nationalism is “conveniently” considered to have begun in the late 19th century. Its central goal was to promote a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Theodor Herzl formally established the Zionist movement in 1897. He convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.
The Ottoman Empire objected to Jewish nationalism. It viewed large-scale Jewish settlement in Palestine as a potential threat to territorial integrity.
Israel Made Türkiye a Superpower
Zionists Put Modern Turks @ Crosshair in 1980
Zionists can take credit for dismembering the Ottoman Empire in 1922. However, they must also take credit for creating the modern Republic of Türkiye in 1923.
That also explains the current dilemma of the Zionists.
Dissolving the Ottoman Empire did not end the “Turkish problem”. Instead, it gave way to larger and wildly spreading Turkish nationalist tendencies.
In other words, Zionists created a bigger problem by getting rid of the Ottoman Empire. Turks are now on the verge of proclaiming the United States of Turan (UST).
The UST will be the 17th consecutive Turkic “empire” in history. It is projected to become more powerful than the 16th, Ottoman Empire.
Zionists Then and Now
Could it be that Kurdish revolts from 1838 to 1897 were a prelude? They were to facilitate the proclamation of Jewish nationalism in Palestine.
Could it be that anarchy led by Kurds from 1980 to 2020 was to dismember the modern Republic of Turkiye? It was to pave the way to a “Greater Israel”?
Now that Israel is in a mess that it cannot get out of, does that mean that Zionists failed? What would be the next “disaster” for Jewish nationalism?
Turks Then and Now
On May 17, 1901, the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II met with Herzl. Sultan declined Herzl’s offer for a charter granting the Zionists access to Palestine.
Today Turks are aware that Zionists have resorted to the same tactics twice. They know that Zionists manipulated Kurds against Turks to achieve their goals.
Turks also know the difference between the two revolts. The Ottoman Empire was decaying and helpless, unlike the Republic of Modern Turks with great prospects.
Israel Made Türkiye a Superpower
Nationalism vs. Terrorism
No doubt, resorting to terror to achieve nationalism is a strategy. It is as old as the oldest known business in the world.
Did terrorism play a role in making Turkiye a superpower? If so, how Israel or the Zionists may have played a role, and who else may have aided and abetted?
Revisiting Resorting to Terror
Some mind-boggling questions find answers in these evidentiary posts. They may also be revealing for the unsuspecting. There is nothing like education!
Implicating the US-Israel Tandem - by Erbil Gunasti
Iraq-Türkiye-Europe Project - by Erbil Gunasti
War of Attrition with Proxies - by Erbil Gunasti
Does America Support Terrorism - by Erbil Gunasti
Türkiye Publicly Notified America - by Erbil Gunasti
Israel Made Türkiye a Superpower
Did it?
Israel did not, but it will contribute because Turks are very conscious of their history. Plus, for those who know their history, Machiavelli must have learned what he preached from Turks.
One, Zionists should have known that Turks always “make history” when history needs to be rewritten. The Ottoman Turks rewrote it in 1923 as a response to a terror campaign. That had been instigated against them ever since 1838. Turks are rewriting history again today. They are responding to the terror campaign that was rehashed against them in 1980.
Two, shouldn’t Zionists have known that the tactics of the 18th and the 19th centuries would not work in the 20th and the 21st centuries? Turks have built 16 massive empires since 220 BC. They are vicious and progressive warriors. They would not let anyone decide when to replace their old empires with new ones.
Did Israel Make Türkiye Superpower?
Hence, it concludes that this question is irrelevant.
Rather, the pertinent question is: What will happen to Jewish nationalism now?
Revisiting Machiavelli
Is it fair to say that Zionists bet on Kurds twice?
Zionists first thought it was a good idea in 1838. Much to their chagrin, they failed big time in 1923.
Unfortunately, in 1980, they decided to repeat the mistake. Now, do they think the results in 2025 are even worse than 1923?
A multitude of questions beg answers at this stage.
Have they chosen the right “proxy” for the job?
Have they assigned the right “job” for the proxy?
All the while, what is the right question, they are ignoring to pose? Haven’t they ignored Machiavelli twice?
For your information, Niccolò Machiavelli, an Italian, lived from 1469 to 1527. That was the beginning of the “Golden Age” of the Ottoman Empire that lasted two centuries. The Turkish empire itself ruled the significant portion of the world for more than six centuries.
The Machiavelli Wisdom
Machiavelli is known to have said:
“Be picky about who works for you.”
In truth, he meant to say:
“Don’t employ others: Do it yourself!”
Mother of All Flops due to Ignorance
Ironically, the big Zionist idea created the modern Republic of Türkiye by 1923. All the while, the main goal, the Jewish state, never materialized until after WWII.
On that note, mother of all ironies, Türkiye immediately recognized the Jewish state. That is the very state that the Jewish nationalism was trying to get rid of.
As if that is not enough, those in charge of the newly established Jewish state never learned. In 1980, they resorted to the tactics of 1838 once again.
Putting Turks into cross hair second time in two centuries was a “Big Mistake”. Instead, they should have taken the hint from the two thousand years Turkish history.
Israel Made Türkiye a Superpower
Not Yet but Very Soon
The prospects for Türkiye in the 21st Century were recently reflective in a leading French magazine. “Le Point” put on the cover four political figures of our times.
Led by President Donald Trump, the other two leaders were the Russian and the Chinese. The fourth was a Turk, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Based on this cover story alone, the Israeli media seems to be right on the money. Relying on the Kurdish card twice was incomprehensible.
However, it is now too late for remorse. The result is not making Türkiye a superpower. Worse, it is paving the way for the United States of Turan (UST).
The UST would mean “Golden Age” for you and me. However, it is not what President Trump talked about! For that, one has to thank Zionists.