Türkiye Takes Over America III
This is the third in a series of articles. The focus now is how the sea supremacy will soon pass to Türkiye. The previous two talked about air and airwave supremacies passing to Türkiye.
Rather than how, why, what, and when, the question should be where would this torture end? Short answer: It will not. Long answer: Not until America learns how to vote better. However, even then, there is a fundamental problem in America, called “education”.
At this stage, there is not much one can do. Globalists are ahead in the game in America. They deserve the superlative accolades. They have worked hard and achieved some of their objectives well.
Globalists, simply, were able to brain wash America past half a century or so. I noticed it in the late 1970s. However, I only thought of it as a natural bias against Türkiye. I did not know it was more than that.
Since 2015, I met the best and the brightest Americans in Wash DC. Mainly, they were the US Senators, Democrats and Republicans alike. Having become friends and confidents of some, something was amiss.
How such brilliant minds were not able to see what was so apparent to me? Not until, when I remembered my experiences at the Boston and New York universities. I was better educated because I had previously attended a French boarding school in Istanbul.
Türkiye Takes Over America III
Türkiye takes over America now with a torpedo. Unlike in the case of the “Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan Brothers” this torpedo also has a sister, called Okra.
Go figure! Türkiye takes over America first with two “brothers” in the air. After that, it does the same with two sisters in the sea.
Is this a joke?
No, it is not for America, but it is equally horrifying for Germany. They are the two mightiest in the West that are now helpless.
Reportedly, Turkish missile manufacturer Roketsan showcased the vicious “sisters” at IDEF 2021. AKYA, the big sister is 533 mm heavy. It means Leer fish in English. OKRA, the Killer Whale, is her younger sibling and it is 24 mm light torpedo.
Two years later, on 26 December 2023, AKYA will demonstrate to the world what they are capable of. Having been through all other impressive tests with perfection, this will be a showcase.
Their arrival will be crowned when “she”, AKYA, sinks a warship.
“Preveza” will have the honors.
Preveze, in Turkish, is the type 209 submarine, armed with eight bow 533 mm torpedo tubes and 14 torpedoes. Türkiye has the largest fleet of 14 submarines among 15 countries. Israel, for example, has only one. No one comes close to Türkiye.
America & Germany
America & Germany used to provide, MK 46 and MK 4 torpedoes, respectively and exclusively, to most NATO members. In torpedoes, they were the only two. Now, Türkiye is the third. That is a shocking news for more than one reason.
One, lately, America & Germany, had long been, kind of crossing Türkiye. Nothing to brag about for staunch “allies”! They were falsely confidant, thinking that, no one was going to beat them in their game: Not the least, once “penniless” Türkiye of the 1970s,
Two, should America & Germany worry about lost market share now? After all, 14 submarines times 14 torpedoes per makes 196. Add to that six type 214 coming to the fleet in the next five years. This is the biggest client state in the world by far.
Three, what could be worse? How about 20 submarines with 300 AKYAs, roaming in the eastern Mediterranean Sea or friends and foes buying better and cheaper versions? Wouldn’t now be time to reckon about financial loss but also sea superiority going out of hand?
Türkiye Takes Over America III
It is important to note.
In five years, Türkiye will not only have 20 new and modernized fleet of submarines. By then, Türkiye will also have untold number of, totally indigenous, S-500s and a yet to be announced monster version to be built from the ground up.
It will be bigger than 214.
S-500 will be half the size and tonnage of the current Turkish submarines. However, each will still carry eight AKYAs. How many S-500 could Türkiye mass manufacture in the next decade? It already announced it has the necessary one-of-a-kind “sea alloy”.
Bad news is that, with AKYA, Türkiye is now declaring that it also has the other technology only America & Germany had it to this date. However, the problem does not end there. Türkiye is known not to divulge what else it has “until it is time”.
Two things are in order.
One, German made version in Greece has “balance” problems. Turkish version does not but also undisclosed new features. Two, could superior Turkish electronic warfare capability above water is also possible under?
Air, Air Wave, and Sea Supremacies of the West
Now, Hot Air!
Victims of Education System in America
Here is the tally in this series of three “Türkiye Takes Over America” articles. Türkiye announced that it is coming as a rising power of the East. Then, it announced that it arrived in the air. Now, it is announcing that it is also arriving in the sea.
Considering Türkiye has always been a land power first, it must be foregone conclusion that the case against Türkiye must be revisited. Especially, the US Senators must first do some readings that they missed.
After all, no other student questioned “the professor” at the Boston University about the “missing chapters” in the book. A brilliant professor from Tel Aviv university also realized and bewilderingly posed: “Aren’t you the student who gave hell to the Dean?”
Yes, I am all three.
In Boston, I inquired about the “original content” not being there. In New York University, I turned down the professor of the century for my PhD. As for the “Dean”, he simply did not qualify. So, I loudly and logically, articulated.
Türkiye Takes Over America III
Peace of Advice
Now, my point is strictly to the US Senators.
How could you have known about the “missing chapters”?
How would you know the “enemies within” our great Republic?
It was not the fault of “the Dean”, however he had to take the fall as he did.
Did I have to embarrass the “old” man?
Mind you, he was the Dean of Deans, not the Dean of Students!
Plus, I was only 18. He was 60.
I was able to make my case in public. He was pathetic.
Do not look at me as arrogant or ill intent in my enquiring mind!
Instead, question what they have been teaching you in America!
Apparently, even then, I could not have tolerated ignorance.
No matter what the excuse.