Zero Sum Game Explained
Like a "Death Match", it does not end until one side wins. The ultimate version takes place with nation-states. Currently, Israel is in one, but Ukraine and Russia still have a hope to avoid it.
I studied “Zero Sum Game” towards my Master’s Degree in Political Science at the New York University.
It was then called “Formal Modeling” for those that “need to know”. Here, Zero Sum Game is explained, susinctly, for those that do not need to know.
“A formal model in the social sciences builds explanations when it structures the reasoning underlying a theoretical argument, opens venues for controlled experimentation, and can lead to hypotheses. Yet more importantly, models evaluate theory, build theory, and enhance conjectures. Formal Modeling in Social Science addresses the varied helpful roles of formal models and goes further to take up more fundamental considerations of epistemology and methodology.”
Zero Sum Game Explained
Double Edged Sword
Zero Sum Game becomes a double edged sword in the hands of evil minds. In other words, the results of the “game” depend on who is doing the “modeling”. In the Globalists reigned world, Zero Sum Game also turns into a gun that would backfire.
Erbil Knows
The best in the world thought me what Zero Sum Game is in one of the elite US educational institutions. Along the process, I noticed the shortcomings. Over time, I also came to the realization that in the hands of Globalists, the Zero Sum Game can also become a “criminal” element.
In other words, “mismodelling” can give any result one desires. Such that, like in the polls, for example, when one pinpoints correctly, others miss the target by wide margins. Mismodelling in the Zero Sum Game does just that as well, except with deadlier tragic consequences.
Israel Knows
Israel is a state, much advanced in science. The culture that is built on education is the reason for it. As a result, in the second half of the 20th century, it became the “can-do-little-state”. However, abuse also took place with “mismodellings”.
The result is clear to the naked eye. Israel is a 70 year old state. Yet today, it faces existential threat that is bigger than it was in 1948 when it was founded. The decapitating predicament of this wonder state is the testimony to what went wrong.
Zero Sum Game Explained
Brainwashing & Backfiring
I elected to take the “Formal Modeling” class with my free-will. On the first day, the class was full with students. Few minutes into what one of the world’s famous professor in Game Theory spoked, most everyone packed up and left the room.
Suddenly there were only five of us, one or two pondering what to do. Professor posed the question one more time with a sacrcastic smile. “Are you sure you are not quitting? I have never had five students. Most I would have is two or three.”
To innocent mind like mine, at the time, it sounded like a challenge. However, now I am able to put 1 and 1 together because above experience was not the only one. I also withnessed how they have been brainwashing students since 1970s.
Brainwashing Comes First
It was a 300 level undergraduate class. The assigned book was missing couple of chapters. They were essential to learning some historical facts.
As a novice student of Political Science at the College of Liberal Arts of the esteemed Boston University, I questioned the senior professor of politics.
He bluntly told me: “If you want 4 credits you will do what I tell you,” when I insisted that the book did not include a section of history I knew very well.
At the end, I took the course and passed it, having understood full well that the system was rigged.
Game Theory BackFires Next
As a result, the “modelling” by my fellow students were going to be flawed. Now, add to that, the evil mind! That is how you make a Game Theory backfire next!
Could it not be then these students of political science, in Israel or Ukraine, have been undermined? Otherwise, Russians and Palestinians should not have long been finished off?
The current desperation of the Biden Administration with both wars seconds the argument. How have the “Game-Theorist-Extraordinaires” been designing these “backfiring” models?
Is there any other way to explain why Ukraine with entire NATO support was not able to deter Russia? How have Israel and the US been muddling against “terrorists” with tanks and aircrafts for 70 days with no end in sight?
Zero Sum Game Explained
Best & Worst Outcomes
Let me explain Zero sum Game in Layman’s term!
The potential to attain the “Best Ouctome” becomes a journey to the “Worst Outcome” with a great probability when “misguided minds” of Globalists are in charge.
Zero Sum Game, in truth, is supposed to predict the best, second best, second worst, and worst coutcomes.
Zero Sum Game, in theory, may not predict the best, second best, second worst, and worst coutcomes, every time.
Game Theory is dependent on the data input. “Manipulated Data” at the Boston University, empoyed in a Game Theory modelling at the New York University would, as a result and naturally, misfire.
“Missing chapters” would come back and hunt Globalist-minded “Game-Theorist-Extraordinaires”: That is how Ukranians & Israelis have become sacrificial lambs in the first place.
All Mighty God has a funny way of coming back and “shedding light” on those that are “falsely” claiming to be the light.
Now, it makes sense!