On 27 December 2020, I published “London Basra Orient Express” via Turkiye. I then stated that this novel idea will be underway in 2023. What do you know, I was right. Again! Turkiye: Energy-Center for Europe will soon be fully materialized.
Energy-Center Turkiye will eventually become conduit for the likes of Israel and Egypt, as well. They will tranship natural resources to Europe. Russia and Azerbaijan already employ Turkish land-bridge to export natural resources.
Not that Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, or Iran are not on the same page. However, what will really make Turkiye the “Energy-Center” in the world is the natural resources soon to be unveiled, in context, both on Turkiye proper and “Mavi Vatan”.
In the meantime, the London Basra Orient Express, simply put, is just another part of a major route for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The main, the middle route of BRI, is already using the Turkish mainland. That means Turkiye, in fact, will end up carrying more than half of what the BRI will eventually bring to Western Europe.
Turkiye: Energy-Center For Europe
Recently, I also published “all the roads lead to Rome.” Most of the energy supply of the Western Europe coming via Turkiye also proves that.
Not that it is not something all the migrants from Asia or Africa do not know about the Turkish route.
Nevertheless, this latest route from Basra to Turkiye is indicative. It is primarily created as an extension of the Chinese route that ends in Pakistan. However, it may also serve entire Indian Ocean bordering countries, including Indonesia to Malaysia.
Turkish Route
Turks have always controlled the Silk Road from East to West. It continued uninterrupted after Sultan AlpArslan of the Seljuc Turks took control of the easternmost gate, Manzikert, in 1071.
When Sultan Fatih of the Ottomans conquered Constantinople in 1453, the trade regime changed. From then on, Turks had the total control of eastern gates of the Western Civilization. In 1922, Ataturk reaffirmed who was in charge there.
Today, on 30 August 2023, it is telling: Talk about Turkiye becoming Energy-Center of the world. 101 years ago ago today, Ataturk cleansed Turkiye from last vestiges of Greeks. Such that, the Western powers also left Istanbul for good.
Russian-Chinese Recognition
So much so, in the wake of the New World Order, there is a universal recognition of Turkish accomplishments. One, today, Russia and China accept Turkiye as the Energy-Center of the world. Two, Asian suppliers and European consumers concur.
America’s Self-Destructive Problem
In the meantime, the US Senate continues to live in oblivion. Then, there are tragedies emanating from the Administration du Jour in Wash. DC.
Especially when a Globalist comes to the Oval Office, it tries to change the course of history. Ironically, it simply does not have a capacity to understand the world.
But I have faith. One day soon, more Americans will learn how to read and write. Then, they will pick a copy of my book: “GameChanger”.
They will discover the portion of history I covered there. The hope though, by then, it will not be too late for America that we love.