What does this have to do with anything, regarding pocketbook issues? Read my previous article on the same topic a few days ago. I now have some answers. They are worse than what I thought they could be. They are reflective of the state of mind and economy in the West nowadays. I hope this article gives hope and an incentive to move forward. I know it will give to the rest of the world that are yearning for a better life by taking Turks as an example for themselves.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica in 1769 and died in Elba in 1821. He was shrewd, ambitious and a skilled military strategist. He successfully waged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded his empire.
His last two defeats brought his end. The first was against the Russians. The final was against the Brits. Napoleon is famous with quotes on Turks and they are even more valid today: "Give me an army of Turks and I will take you prisoner of the world."
Napoleon’s Observations on Turks
Reflective Today at IDEF 23
In my previous and only posting on IDEF 23, I noted how search engines ignore this ongoing event in Istanbul. Yet the event is one of the world’s most popular top four. That means the world knows about it well, and attendance is great.
The problem is that the West is not there, meaning the defense industry. The reason for that, the defense industry in the West cannot compete against Turks. That is why this reminds me Napoleon. The West must be facing similar realities now like then.
Turkish Military Then
Turkish Defense Industry Now
Some would think it is like comparing Apples and Oranges when it comes to the Turkish military then and the Turkish defense industry now.
From top of my head I can give a few examples of how Turks were also ahead in technology then. Ingenuity has always been there with Turks.
Coupled with heart, Turks have always been deadly, as an enemy. Otherwise, there is a reason why Turks have decided on the Muslim religion.
The tolerance, forgiveness, and fair play of Turks are equally well known values they cherish and much of the world knows it.
However, that is a story for another time.
Three Turkish Military Inventions Then
Napoleon must have known that Turks changed military history a few times with new innovations, except the last one. Most recently, the Turkish drones did it again.
One of the earliest was how to ride horses. Turks are the first to use saddles which allowed them to ride longer and stand up on horses while galloping.
Two were their bows. They had longer range and were lighter. The third was what a Turkish soldier on a horse wore. Oddly, it was silk, not heavy armor.
In short, a Turkish soldier was able to ride a horse at high speed but also turn backward and shoot with an arrow with accuracy, for example.
All the while, this soldier was riding faster because the horse was carrying a light-weight, a slik wearing soldier instead of an heavily armored one.
Three Turkish Military Inventions Now
It is not by accident that Ismail Demir, former head of the Turkish Defense Industry Agency, is famous with his commonly used quotes.
One of them: “We will see without being seen and hit without being hit.” His other: “When time comes we will show who has the power.”
His quotes summarizes what Turks have been doing the past 2000 years when they came with their technological edge then but also with their surprise factor.
In that regard, Napoleon's reference: “Give me a Turkish army, I will conquer the world” consists of what he knew about them and what he did not.
Napoleon's Observations of Turks
Valid Today As Much As 2000 Years Ago
As to Napoleon’s other quote: “Turks can be killed but can never be conquered” explains why the West is not in IDEF 23. The defeat is inevitable, perhaps!
In fact, the West tried to get rid of the Republic of Turkiye as we know it or the regimes that lead it to date since it was proclaimed in 1923.
The West failed in so many ways, despite keeping Turks away from Industrial Revolutions (IR) 1, 2, 3, for example. Turks came back with IRs 4 and 5.
IDEF 23, now, is reflective of that. If only the West had revisited Napoleon in Elba. Surely he would have shared his wisdom about Turks.
On the other hand, if only Napoleon had the Turkish army under his command he would not have died in Elba.
As for the Western Defense Industries and the search engines that the West control today: If the West had collaborated with Turkiye, it would not have ignored IDEF 23.
In IDEF 23, there are Turkish military platforms that innovate and mass produce better and cheaper products than their counterparts from the West but also East.
I authored “GameChanger” in 2020. I argued if the US does not collaborate with Turkiye, it will not remain the sole superpower of the world much longer.
If the leading Western Defense Industries feel they cannot compete against the Turkish Defense Industries, I must be right on the money and I know it well.
No explanation is needed. When the West cannot develop competitive products, and competitively, how does the West expect to be competitive in the world anyway?