Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock
"Claw" consists of "Sinat", "Haftanın", "Zinnar", "Avasin", "Basyan", "Zap" and "Hakurk": 7 population centers in northern Iraq. "Gara" is "Lock", the 8th. What does this Turkish Doctrine mean?
Since the early 1980s, the Turkish Armed Forces has been conducting cross-border military operations in northern Iraq. Since 2019, there is a name for this Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock.
Turkish doctrine is enshrined within Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. In other words, Iraq, by international law, is obligated to allow Turkish military incursions.
Mîsâk-ı Millî
Mîsâk-ı Millî means Turkish National Pact. It primarily defines the borders of Türkiye. It was envisioned by Young Turks, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1920.
It includes a total of 17 population centers in the northern third of Iraq. 7 cities already under Turkish “claw”. The question is when will Türkiye put the “lock” on the 8th.
Here is the further question everyone is looking for answer: What are the plans for the rest of the 9 population centers and cities like Musul, Kerkuk, Erbil and Süleymaniye?
On that note, Mîsâk-ı Millî is not limited to northern Iraq. Northern Syria and the Balkans are also part of it, meaning northern Greece and southern Bulgaria.
Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock
End of Charade
The 45th President Donald J. Trump made numerous historical statements. Once, he said: “What we planned for 40 years, came to an end in a few hours.” I have no clue why Trump made this rare “defeated” statement.
However, there is a very good likelihood, he may have been referring to the Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock. Trump, like all other US presidents, was surely aware of the US Foreign Policy Objectives since the 1980s in this region.
As part of the US Foreign Policy Objectives, “proxies” mushroomed in northern Iraq and Syria. In their crosshair, there was nothing but the territorial integrity of Türkiye.
PKK, PYD, YPD, KPD, PUK, and KDP-I are some of their names. Some are nowadays recognized as “terrorists”, including even by their handlers in the West to save face.
Nevertheless, some in the US did not flinch and they transitioned their support to the SDF. With DAESH, aka ISIS or ISIL, they now make up modern day “Laurel & Hardy”.
As a result, Türkiye also transitioned and came up with the “Doctrine”. In other words, operation “Claw-Lock” is there to put an end to the “Laurel and Hardy” charade.
Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock
Who is Fool? Who is Clown?
There is a well-known saying: “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” International intrigue creates equally bewildering alliances and quasi-alliances.
Could the US, entire Western European powers, Israel, Russia, Iran, and some Arabs can ever be on the same boat? They now look like with this Turkish doctrine.
What could be more unbelievable? The West, Israel, Russia, Iran, and Arabs would work hand in hand after “7 October” and ensuing 100-day mayhem in the Gaza Strip.
Unfathomable Alliance
Let’s revisit some of these out of this world facts!
On 7 October, “terrorists” caught Israelis with their pants down, sleeping.
After 100 days of “scorched earth” in Gaza, Türkiye never reacted militarily.
No Arab state openly came against Israel, behaving as if there is no ongoing war.
War does not become full scale in Lebanon between Iranian proxies and Israelis.
Instead, Houthis in Yemen declare war against the US, Great Britain, and Israel.
Explosions in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran target no one but only Iranians.
Iran bombs Iraq, the Turkish sector in Syria, and hijacks an oil tanker bound to Türkiye.
Russia, reportedly, continues to back “proxies” in northern Syria and Iraq.
Türkiye, meanwhile, bombs US supported proxies in Iraq and Syria, in particular.
Do not these facts give the impression that Türkiye is alone against all others?
Does not this also look like a “quasi-alliance” of “strange bedfellows”?
Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock
History Repeats Itself
At this stage, let’s go back to the “remedial” lecture for those who are a little slow in getting the point in this post.
Turks have been the big menace for Christians and Arabs alike, and forever. Past four centuries, they have also been a pain for Russians.
No one wants them in “Asia Minor” where they settled once they defeated the Armenians in 1064 and then the Byzantines in 1071.
In 1922, Turks in Asia Minor fought hard against Armenians, Greeks, Russians, Italians, French, and Brits at the same time and won.
The West, Iran, Russia, Israel, Greece, Armenia, and Arabs joined forces in the early 1980s. Their goal was to take most of Asia Minor away from Turks.
Resilient Turks decided to counter with a “doctrine” called “Claw-Lock”. It became a small part of their “grand strategy” against their adversaries.
So, what exactly does “Claw-Lock” mean?
The attribution to “Claw” varies between Eagle and Tiger. That is: The Turkish military is to set the conditions for the local population to establish law and order.
The “Lock” points at Gara, as the final destination of this military operation. That is when the Turkish military will take control of Gara to “lock up” northern Iraq.
The question that worries everyone is what is the ultimate goal of Türkiye in Iraq? The answer is simple. For this Turkish Doctrine: Claw-Lock, the last stop is Gara.
Didn’t I mention above that this part of this post is for “remedial” students? What is not there to understand why Türkiye will not go further south than Gara?
Türkiye does not need to, militarily speaking, of course.
The integrity of Iraq will then be long ensured.
The integrity of the Middle East will already be reconstituted.
For the remedials:
Türkiye will become the world’s fifth biggest economy and military power.
Türkiye will become the leader of 400 million Turks and 2 billion Muslims.