Time To Save America (I)
Time to save Ameria from itself. To do so, America must first learn how to vote better. Otherwise, with those that are currently in power, the sole superpower of the world will soon be no longer.
America is not functioning well for a long time. Nowadays, it is at a point of no return. Nothing can basically save America without fundamental changes anymore. In other words, it is time to save America, but the change will not come with evolution.
Can Silent Majority do the job?
“The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown.
Skirmishes between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for their independence.
France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting did not formally end until 1783.”
Time To Save America
I learned that the republics founded by revolutions invite revolutions. They are not like evolutionary animals. Radical changes become inevitable.
The United States of America is a “revolutionary” republic. As a result, based on what is thought in America, there will be revolutionary tendencies.
Recent Revolutionary Tendencies
Some claim that there was a revolutionary tendency in January 2021. Others believe it was a political persecution by those in power in Wash DC.
No matter what, there has been chaos in America ever since January 2021. In fact, chaos began in January 2017, when the 45th president came to power.
The tendency to yearn for revolution in America is in the minds of most everyone. Simply because, by nature, America is a revolutionary republic.
This is not the place or time to argue if there were revolutionary attempts in 2017 or 2021. Rather, there were chaotic environments that would lead to revolutions.
Time To Save America
Based on what took place during the reigns of the 45th and 46th presidents, there is urgency. It is time to save America from itself.
America simply did not let the 45th president preside in the Oval Office. America also did not allow the 46th president to preside like a president.
In the case of the 45th president, the game was to undermine the republic. In the case of the 46th president, there was no president to undermine.
In either case, America at the top was handicapped. It was an opportunity for the adversaries of America to take advantage of and they did.
Saving America
Unfortunately, “Saving America” is no longer possible. In 2025, the choice will either be like it was in 2017 or 2021. It will either be toxic or ambivalent.
MAGA coming back to power will try to make it right for America. The ferocity of the domestic adversaries will surely make the environment worse than it was in 2017.
Anything non-MAGA coming to power will surely not stop economic and military decay. Eventually, the “Union” itself will start to question its merit.
The decay in America is reflective. Military might of America no longer makes a difference in the world. Economic leverage is withering away a lot faster.
Time To Save America
Time to save America from itself is the key to understanding “Saving America”. At this time, there is no single foreign power to worry about like it was in 1776. Now, the enemy is within. What is worse, no one can identify it. Instead, there is an atmosphere where everyone can point a finger.
Under the circumstances, what are the alternatives? Voting better at this stage may be one way out but it has to be a modus operandi from now on. Otherwise, it will be like the MAGA “revolution” of 2016. It will be too short to make a difference. In 2024, the vigor must last longer with a “revolutionary” zeal but short of violence.
Can Do America
Can America accomplish this task? Yes and no! Only time would tell. I for one gave up on a lot of things in America. For example, I would like nothing to do with big corporations if possible. Unfortunately, the citizens have no choice but to deal with them in order to function in American cities, for example.
However, when it comes to politics, maybe there is still a chance to make things right in America. If only citizens were to vote better, the amelioration process can take place in Wash DC. Like the fish that stinks from head down, then America will be mending bridges so that eventually it can also tackle the corporations.
Wishful Thinking for America
It is wishful thinking to believe that by voting better, America will be better off. Unfortunately, it is already too late for America to recover in the foreseeable future. Brainwashed America cannot recuperate fast enough to deal with domestic backstabbers, never mind international adversaries.
Internationally, adversaries will not let the 21st century go to waste. Now that they are at the helm for the past two decades, they will leap forward. America meanwhile will be bogged down with the domestic mess and will not have time to deal with international developments. As a result, in a couple of decades, America will face the music no matter how harsh it will be then.
Time To Save America
Let this be the first salvo in this series. Maybe next should focus on the military mess. After all, we just lost 3 soldiers and some 30 others are wounded in Jordan. There are two questions. One, are they the only dead and wounded. After all, do we believe that in this chaotic environment our government is frank with us? Two, how do we know that the citizens are able to make informed decisions? From the looks of things, they are not able to.
Can The Silent Majority Do the Job?
Perhaps that is what this series should be about.