“ERBIL GUNASTI: Kamala Harris smashed her way through the glass ceiling to become Vice President.” That is the headline how Daily Mail published my latest monthly article, today, in London. “Kamala Harris Willie Brown” should have been the right name. Many readers, quickly and ferociously, reacted.
I write monthly, informative and opinionated, articles in the Daily Mail, the world’s most read newspaper. Recently, GM News of London also began publishing my articles on a regular basis. There I began with Meghan Markle.
The headline there was: “Meghan Markle is the discredited face of an entitled, woke America, says Erbil Gunasti.” Some reacted, how toxic I was. Yet, the massive majority loved it, feeling it was right on the money, and she deserved every bit of it.
Unfortunately, I now have to take the honors away from Meghan Markle, only to bestow them on Kamala Harris Willie Brown.
The avalanche of reactions left me no other choice. They believe that the Vice President deserves the “discredited face of an entitled” credit much more.
Kamala Harriss Willie Brown
Having read all the outpouring comments I received, I should have given credit to Willie Brown, long before, from the get go.
We have been living in the “entitled America” for a long time, it is not fair not to do right thing and not to give the due respect where it belongs.
So there you have it Willie Brown.
Kamala Harris Willie Brown
Here below: Thousands of not so flattering comments. They floded the site within few hours after Daily Mail posted my article.