It is about time to start the “Illegal Immigration: Migration Problem” chapter. The current violence spree in France presents a good opportunity. On second thought, France does not have an immigration or migration problem. So what is it then?
My last two posts “Emmanuel Macron: No Charles De Gaulle” and “Under Siege: From Ukraine to France” explained the problems at hand little bit.
Simply put, France has fundamental problems. Whereas, for the rest of the Western Europeans illegal immigration or migration problems may have a clear priority.
More Asians and Africans will arrive in Europe in the next thirty years. Their numbers will swell such that London will not be alone. Other Western European countries will also elect Muslim or Asian or African mayors and prime ministers.
Population Explosion
Quick look at the worldwide numbers as to how the population of Planet Earth is exploding explains this problem well. Only two decades ago, the world population stood at five billion. By the end of the century, it is projected to become eleven billion.
Asia is the most populous of all continents by far. More than half of the world’s current population of eight billion people live there. However, it is Africa that will have the biggest population explosion in the next few decades, not Asia.
So much so, Africa will double its population from a billion to two billion in the next two decades or so. Meanwhile, Asia will add another billion to its already four and a half billion. In the Americas and Europe only a minimal rise will come from South America.
If only a tiny portion of this massive humanity decided to migrate, sheer numbers will be in the tens of millions. Surely, they will migrate because of meager resources towards greener pastures in Europe and North America.
Illegal Immigration: Migration Problem
Not A Mongol Invasion But Worse
I published “GameChanger” in 2020. I argued that unless the US collaborates with Turkiye, it will not remain the sole superpower of the world until the end of this decade. I based it for a number of reasons but migration also stood big.
Turkiye is a “land bridge” and a “pressure valve” for Europe. In other words, Turkiye holds back Asians and Africans that are heading to Europe in massive numbers. Simply because Turkiye is the only land mass between Asia, Africa, and Europe.
People walk through Turkiye to reach Europe. Whereas the alternatives are to cross over the Russian land mass in the north or the Mediterranean Sea in the south. Russia is a long D-tour. The Mediterranean is a big body of formidable water.
Turkiye, as a pressure valve, is also a regulator. At any one time, it constantly holds about ten million “migrants” inside and outside of its borders. They will always be there on their way to Western European countries.
Eventually, most will trickle into the West. Lot more will simultaneously replace them as the next round migrants going West. In that regard, fifty to hundred million should make it to Europe, alone, in this century.
Migration Problem of France or Not
Muslims, for example, make up twenty percent of the population in France. With the rest of Asians and Africans, the number of the “second class French” citizens in France should nowadays be well over one third of the population.
The numbers are not much different in the rest of the Western European countries. Germany, Holland, Belgium, Sweden are good first hand examples. France has Africans from Maghreb in majority but also tons of them from the 14 colonies!
As a result, France makes a good example to examine. Let’s break the numbers and conditions of the “second class French” citizens! Let’s clarify: They are not there “illegally”. They are officially classified as migrants either.
Most are already fourth or fifth generation Africans that are born in France. Unfortunately, they are everything but first class French citizens. It is an established fact but also a“pandora box” and no one knows when it will explode.
Here are some essential data about the whole thing:
Population of Paris is 2.5 million
Total population of Africans from Maghreb in Paris, alone, is half a million
Unemployment among these “second class French” citizens is about 40 percent
The rioters in France today are 4th and 5th generation of Magreb descendants
They speak French but they don’t consider themselves as French
The rest of French consider them as “second class French” citizens
France considers itself a Democracy and accepted as such in the West as well
France is also a member of the European Union, full of Democratic countries
Based on these facts alone, “illegal immigration” is not the main problem of France. France also does not have an apparent “migration problem” either.
Instead, France has a problem with about half of its population. They simply do not qualify as first class citizens.
Since “second class citizens” cannot be categorized as “illegal” or “migrant”, the problem exacerbates on its own: They cannot be deported.
They cannot be kept in France either because, at times, they are becoming violent in their demands.
It is not clear to the first class French citizens what exactly do these second class citizens want.
On that note, by now it must be clear to you why I created this chapter now. Until the next “Illiegal Immigration: Migration Problem”, please subscribe!