Domestically, America is in a mess. Internationally, the American mess in Syria has an urgency. Let it be sufficient to say: “It is urgent to bring everyone home before Christmas.”
Who can guarantee “deployed” Americans are safe in the Middle East in 2023? For those who believe history repeats itself, 2023 is the fifth anniversary.
Does anyone in America remember past overseas nightmares? They are in order: Lebanon in 1983, Somalia in 1993, Iraq in 2003, and Libya in 2012.
American Mess in Syria
No Different
At this stage, it is not necessary to revisit what happened in Syria since 2009. It is not also worth examining what took place since 2020 but it matters what happens in 2023.
So, this Christmas is a good Amen! In the interim, it is extremely important not to antagonize anyone further. It is better to cut the losses now and set exit-strategy.
“They Came in Peace” from Beirut
The catastrophic attack took the lives of 220 Marines, 18 Sailors, and 3 Soldiers at sleep. They were in their barracks at the Beirut International Airport.
FYI. The Ottoman Turks who ruled the region for five centuries never deployed troops where these 241 souls were deployed. What idiot put them there, no one asks.
Mogadishu Massacre
The Somalization of Syria did not take place in 2013. However, it sure looks like it may very well become before 2023 is out. So, it is “red alert time” until withdrawal.
Remember how the US had to pull out from Somalia in 1993? Humiliation was the least of it. Did the movie “Black Hawk Down” (2001) do justice for the dead US heroes?

Iraq War
“8 trillion dollars 14 years later” what did America gain from the war? Like President of Turkiye Recep T. Erdogan repeatedly says: “At war, there are no winners or losers”.
In the meantime, it is sad that 4 to 5 thousand dead Americans do not get enough mention in America. Yet, bickering never stops and no one takes the blame.
Libya Mystery
I call it a mystery because somehow like in the movie “Who Done It?” (1942), no one knows. In fact, no one can unless one wishes to risk legal prosecution in America.
Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack. I summarized the mess in my post “Clinton’s Libya Brought Turks.” Unfortunately, to date, they still cannot rest in peace.
American Mess in Syria
Did you know?
America continues to supply a “proxy militia” that it long recognized as a terrorist organization, mass murdering civilians since 1980 unabated until now.
America has insufficient numbers of troops and personnel deployed in the region, which makes them vulnerable like they were in Lebanon, Somalia, and Libya.
“American agents” are committing inhumanity against locals who view the US troops nearby as their masters. Aren’t “some” looking for the reckoning time?
No “disgruntled” sovereign in the region will declare war against the American might. Yet, multitude of powers in the region will inflame the current fire further.
Recently, there has been considerably increasing risk against the US “interests” in the region: When there is “no one at home” in Wash DC, Libya comes to mind.
America, since 2020, put itself into a no-win situation. At this stage, escalating the ante will lead to a Zero Sum Game that America cannot play there.
Food For Thought
There is already a price to pay for America for the misguided foreign policy objectives in Syria since 2009. America will not be able to escape from that.
In that regard, insisting to purse similar policies now, when America no longer has a hegemony in the region, is nothing short of a “speedy” suicide.
Is it worth paying a similar price in Syria, like America already paid in Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, and Libya? Do some in Wash DC believe: They are “untouchable”?